Here are some pictures of goof squadron.
Here is good ol' Smith. What rank is he.......
The man on the left is that CRAZY pilot that told my brother to pull all the way back on the throttle! And let him take off!
Here (on the right) is our Commander.
Here on the far left is Finlay (The Canadian) Int the middle Scott Brasher, And on the far right Shurbutt.
Here we are setting up the flags, One the far right, Brasher. "The evil green pickle" and Scott are in the middle. And capairman77 is seen to the far left of Scott. And I am just enjoying watching from the far left.
Here is our Squadron, its Commanders, and I'm just to the right behing Cadet Commander Johnson "Mount Johnson"
Here are some of our senior members. To the far right we have the very very big "Chaplain Johnson"
And standing in front of him our safty man Mr. shurbutt And the man standing behind Mrs Bennet is Mr. Bedford I have respect for. He is a Lutinant Colonol in the National guard. That is only one rank away from general.
I don't want to name everybody so I will just point out myself
I am In the front row in the middle.